Schools not preparing students for ‘success in this complex world,’ report finds

Ontario needs more counsellors to help students cope with future demands, People for Education says.

Ontario schools are struggling to prepare students for the future by failing to implement policies on career and life planning, a new report by People for Education say.

The study, “Roadmaps and roadblocks,” argues that groundwork for adulthood should begin in kindergarten, not just in high school, as is most often the case.

Read the rest of the article here.

Canadian Climate Change Survey (via OTF)

Learning for a Sustainable Future, in collaboration with Lakehead Universityand Leger Research Intelligence Group, with support from SSHRC, is undertaking a national survey to gain an understanding of current levels of knowledge and perceptions of climate change and to assess the education system role in addressing climate change education.

This survey is targeting the general public, parents of K-12 students, students ages 12 -18, teachers, teacher educators, administrators and other interested educators across the country.

Responses are sought from diverse perspectives; whether you feel strongly or are indifferent about climate change and the role of education, your opinions are important!

National and Provincial/Territorial results will be shared with Ministries of Education, Teacher Federations, Faculties of Education, and other education stakeholder groups across Canada.

Please find the link to the survey below:

Survey details:

  • survey will take approximately 15 minutes
  • survey is available in both English and French
  • this research study has been reviewed and approved by the Lakehead University Research Ethics Board.
  • all survey responses are anonymous
  • respondents can enter to win 1 of 5 HP Sprocket smartphone photo printers courtesy of HP Canada! 

Learning for a Sustainable Future’s mission is to promote, through education, the knowledge, skills, values perspectives and practices essential to a sustainable future.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact:

Dr. Ellen Field, Principal Investigator

Pamela Schwartzberg, President and CEO of LSF

Editorial: Ford just itching for a fight with Ontario teachers

“A snitch line? Really?

Look, Doug Ford ran on repealing Ontario’s sex-education curriculum, implemented by the Wynne Liberals after consulting with 4,000 or so teachers, parents and professionals.

He was wrong to do that. He basically did it because he promised he would to social conservatives who supported his leadership bid. He owed them, and he paid. There was nothing wrong with the previous curriculum. This was all about paying a political debt.”

Read the rest of the editorial at