Drone Landscape Pano – Wellington County

I’ve been following drone technology closely since consumer-grade drones hit the market, but I waited for the sweet spot of good camera quality and relatively low price.

When I saw that the DJI Mini 2 was below $700 (CAD) and that it could shoot Raw and HDR I took the plunge, and I’m so glad I did. I really feel this will transform how I shoot many of my photos.

Here’s an example photo, shot just off Hwy 6 in Wellington county, Ontario. It’s a crop of a 7-photo panorama, cleaned up a little in Lightroom, and then further processed in Aurora HDR to give it some punch.

Drone Pano, shot in Wellington County, Ontario
(Click on the image to view full-sized)

Man Smoking

Man Smoking, HDR

This photo of this man smoking was taken in Barcelona, Spain, in July, 2008. Shot using a Nikon D200 with a Nikon 18-200 mm lens (1/60 @ f7.1), processed using Aurora HDR (using five images spanning +/- 2 EV), and straightened in Lightroom.

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Railroad Bridge, Sackville, NB

Railroad Bridge, Sackville, NB

This photo of this railroad bridge was taken in Sackville, NB in August, 2011. Shot using a Nikon D7000 with a Nikon 18-200 mm lens (1/125 @ f4.5) and processed using Aurora HDR (using a single RAW image) and Luminar 4.

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