Teachers, Copyright, and Fair Dealing: Know your rights and know your limits!

From a recent OTF mailing:


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Thinking of using a copyright-protected work in your classroom? First, you must determine if you need permission from the copyright owner.

The Fair Dealing Decision Tool helps teachers decide, with just a few clicks, whether fair dealing permits classroom use of short excerpts from print materials, artistic works, or audiovisual materials without needing to obtain copyright permission. It takes 30 seconds on FairDealingDecisionTool.ca to have your answer.

Every teacher should bookmark the Fair Dealing Decision Tool for copyright questions: www.FairDealingDecisionTool.ca.

This reminder is part of Fair Dealing Week – February 24-28, 2020. Educators across Canada will raise awareness of the benefits of fair dealing, which permits teachers and students to access short excerpts from the wealth of available educational print and online materials. Fair dealing provides teachers the ability to use short excerpts from copyright-protected works in their classrooms – #fairdealingworks for Canadians!

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