Welcome to the 3rd in my series of “snippets” blog posts. See here for previous ones.
Table of Contents
Is This Ethical?
Is it ethical for a company to buy ads to deny climate change? Exxon thinks so and Google is gladly taking their money. It’s easy for me to boycott Exxon about this because I don’t buy their gas but Google is a little more difficult to boycott, as I’m totally reliant on their online ecosystem.
OTIP Teaching Awards 2020: Nominations are open
Please consider nominating a teacher! See https://www.beens.ca/?p=244 for details.
Trump Properties
If I were a careful traveller, I’d be sure to not stay at any property owned by Donald Trump.
If You’re an Avro Arrow Fan…
An ex-employee of Avro committed some IP-theft when Avro was ordered to destroy any blueprints of the Arrow. I’m glad he did, since the blueprints are now available for all to see.
Finally, a YouTube Original Series I’d Like to Watch
Buy Your Next Electric Car From…..Sony?
It kind of makes sense, since electric cars are really about the sensors and the electronics, which Sony has been doing longer than the car manufacturers. Check out the article about it here.
I’m going to be a granddad!
Canada’s education system is pretty good compared to the rest of the word, regardless of what Doug Ford wants us to think.
Who understands this?
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