How to Identify a Spam Message

Spammers just aren’t very smart.

I received a phone call from a friend concerned that her credit card was being charged for an antivirus program she no longer used. I asked her who the email was from and she replied it was from a cryptic Gmail account. No reputable business would send customers emails from a Gmail account. Yes, some small companies might use Gmail, but certainly not companies like McAfee or Norton.

Coincidentally, here’s an email I received a day or two after my friend. There were so many red flags I thought it would be interesting to share.

Click to enlarge

If you ever get an email you are unsure about, look for these giveaways:

  • Did it come from an email address associated with the company? If not, it’s likely spam.
  • Does it hype up the email with exclamation marks, use of bold lettering, or all-caps? If so, it’s likely spam.
  • Is the email sent directly to you or did you receive it because it was bcc’d (blind carbon copy) to you? If it was bcc’d to you, it’s likely spam.
  • Lastly, is the formatting professional? If not, it’s likely spam.

Are there any dead giveaways I’ve missed? If so, let me know in the comments below!

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2021

I always have the annual Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day marked in my calendar, but sadly often miss it due to extenuating circumstances.

But not this year…

I started my journey in Port Robinson where I saw this abandoned bridge. I had the camera, a Nikon D750, mounted on a monopod which helped stabilize the 1.5 second exposure. I submitted this image to the Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day exhibit, even though I took some others that I also liked.

Moving to a path in the woods next to the bridge, I then took this abstract image of some small trees and bushes. It didn’t start out to be abstract, but a gust of wind hit me just as I was taking the 2 second exposure which resulted in the motion blur. Normally I would have deleted the image but in this case it worked!

Next I set out along some back roads looking for suitable scenes. This one suited me fine:

As well as this one:

Overall, I think it was a successful day. In past years I’ve gone out and maybe only had one photo I was willing to share. It’s a very hit-and-miss process because you really don’t know how they will look until you get back to your computer to look at them enlarged.

In my case though, the process is much easier than many other photographers because I’m using a digital camera with a pinhole adapter. Many other photographers use homemade cameras with film that of course makes the process much more complicated.

Here is the pinhole adapter that I used. As you can see, the adapter replaces the lens so the pictures are taken without a lens!

If you’d like to see other photos that were submitted by Canadian photographers, visit here.


Snippets #4


Welcome to the 4th in my series of “snippets” blog posts. See here for previous ones.

GitHub and Macs

Are you using GitHub and on a Mac? Here’s an excellent .gitignore file you can use that will keep all those pesky ._ files out of your repository:

Need to Record System Audio Using Camtasia on a Mac M1 Computer?

Setting up to record system audio using Camtasia on a Mac M1 computer is a bit of a nuisance. See here for the instructions:

Data Analysis Content in the Ontario Curriculum? 

My tweet:

There were lots of responses! You can check them out here.

Keyboard Shortcuts on a Mac

I recently bought a new Mac but my Mac keyboard shortcut skills are quite rusty. This page has helped me immensely to get back in the groove.

Today’s coronavirus news: Ontario reports record 4,456 COVID-19 cases, 21 deaths; 1,513 patients are currently in Ontario hospitals due to the virus, with 605 in intensive care

It’s pretty sad that Canada’s per-capita rate of Covid is higher than the US. Please, stay home everyone, and get vaccinated as soon as you’re eligible. 

Multi Device Website Mockup Generator

This is a recent email I shared with the Communications Technology email list. You may be interested in this if you or your students do website development.

I found a great webpage that will show you what your website looks like on multiple devices at once. It’s great! It would be very useful to make sure your website will look good on mobile devices or tablets.

Here’s an example when previewing my website:

Multi Device Website Mockup Generator

The only hiccup I found when I was looking at my sites, I had to be sure to use https:// instead of http://.

Check it out!

Snippets #3

Welcome to the 3rd in my series of “snippets” blog posts. See here for previous ones.

Is This Ethical?

Is it ethical for a company to buy ads to deny climate change? Exxon thinks so and Google is gladly taking their money. It’s easy for me to boycott Exxon about this because I don’t buy their gas but Google is a little more difficult to boycott, as I’m totally reliant on their online ecosystem. Continue reading “Snippets #3”